The Fiqh Madhhab of Ahl ul-Hadith - Shaykh Mashur bin Hasan Al Salman

The Legitimacy of its Features
Ahl ul-Hadith have an Madhab which is mentioned within the books; it is a madhab which has distinguishing characteristics and particularities. Between it and the Madhab of the fuqqaha (jurists), and the Dhahiri Madhab, are signs which are hidden from some students. There is indication, and actually clear texts, within the hadith and narrations, which contains a clear mention of the madhab of Ahl ul-Hadith. The Madhab of Ahl ul-Hadith and the Madhab of Ahl al-Sunnah.
This book highlights the existence and the features of the Madhab of Ahl al-Ahadith, it discuses its existence scattered in the books of biography, its features and reality. It is a fantastic read for everyone and it also shows that the people of the madhabs that the Madhab of Ahl al-Hadith did exist and it still does contrary to popular belief.
This has been written in an academic manner and the translator has added some beneficial notes. The book is being sold at a discounted rate. NRR £8.00+ cheapest online is £6.00
Jamiah Media
Translator Abdul Haq al-Ashanti